Curly Hair Care Routine | curlsandcuppas

Hello all, as usual I hope you are having lovely day. Today I thought I’d talk about my hair. I have thick, dark brown and very curly hair – so I’m used to having to spend a good while managing my barnet 😉 If you’d like to glean some very useful tips for controlling frizzy, Indian and curly hair then keep reading…

I only wash my hair 2 times a week because it is so thick and to be honest I don’t really have the time to wash it more frequently than that!


I use two shampoos (a little crazy, I know…) Firstly I take the Pantene Smooth and Sleek Shampoo all over my head and down to my roots. This lathers beautifully and makes my hair feel super soft and very clean.



I then use the BodyShop Anti-Dandruff Ginger Shampoo and take that solely on my roots, focusing it on the areas in which I struggle with dryness. Then I leave that on, run the Pantene Classic Care Conditioner through my ends and leave both of those on for 5 minutes or so – just to let them work their magic.

After I’ve rinsed the Ginger shampoo and Pantene conditioner off I squeeze the excess watre out of my hair and wrap it expertly up in my designated ‘hair towel’. I tend to go about my business with the turban on my head for about 15-20 minutes before finally taking it off. I then give my hair a rough scrunch with the towel to both dry it off a little and to help lighten the curls.

My drying method completely depends on whether I have washed it in the morning or evening;

Morning: After taking my hair out of the turban I rough dry the roots with my head upside and a normal head on the dryer. Then I take the diffuser head on my hair-dryer and with my head still upside down I dry off the curls scrunching to my heart’s content!

Evening: After taking the turban off I simply rough dry the roots with a hairdryer and then loosely tie up my hair with a scrunchie right on the top of my head. Then I go to sleep and wake up with crazy curls.


Whether I wash it in the morning or evening, I always follow up about 10 hours later with the Boots Botanics Shine Serum just on the ends of my hair for frizz control, shine and curl definition. If I find that the curls start to fall out in between washes through me fiddling with them all the time, I just scrunch cold water into my hair and 15 minutes later they look a little revived.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed and are having a gorgeous day. If you have curly hair then I hope it helped you – also share any curly haired tips in the comments 🙂 Until next time…

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5 thoughts on “Curly Hair Care Routine | curlsandcuppas

  1. AliciaaaDawnn says:

    Thank you for sharing! (: I love reading/watching how other people manage their curly hair. I wish I could take a hair dryer to my hair without looking like a poodle.. However, I’m going to have to try out some of these products!


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