REVIEW: St Ives Apricot Scrub


DSCF2156Hello! I am going to do a review of the St Ives Apricot Body Scrub today. There has been a fair bit of hype surrounding this brand, and I decided to pick up their body scrub to see what all the fuss was about!

I’m not a massive fan of the scent. I don’t like apricot scent, which is a bad start, but the scent isn’t overpowering and it doesn’t really linger. The scrub is pretty thick and granulated, but it doesn’t feel too harsh on your skin. I wouldn’t recommend this to anyone with super sensitive skin, because it might irritate your skin!

After using this in the shower, I felt like my legs were not my own! They were so soft and didn’t feel sore, irritated or dry.ย I’m not sure if the liquid in this scrub is exfoliating or whether it is just the sandy/sugary bits in it, but it is a pleasure to work this in and be left with skin like a Disney princess (maybe not quite!)

I am going to enjoy using this large-ish tub up, and I do want to try the face scrub from this range. But only once I’ve used up my Boots SkinClear one!

Thanksย for reading. Have you tried this scrub? What did you think? Let me know down below (sounded less creepy in my head!)

xx ๐Ÿ™‚ xx


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